Volunteer Policy
Friends of Goadby Marwood Village Hall (FoGMVH) trustees are committed to involving a diverse range of people in the management of the village hall through both formal volunteering and other forms of community activity. We are committed to involving all sections of the community as volunteers and will promote opportunities widely throughout the organisation.
We believe that volunteers, in their diversity of age, experience and cultural background bring value to our activities within the community. Opportunities to volunteer allow members of the community to use their existing skills and knowledge for the benefit of the whole community, gain invaluable experience and develop new skills, meet new people from a range of backgrounds, and feel valued as part of a team.
A volunteer is anyone who freely chooses to undertake supporting FoGMVH through the giving of their time, skills and experience without financial remuneration beyond out-of-pocket expenses. It is support undertaken by choice and is unpaid.
Volunteer Roles
Volunteer roles are based on trust and mutual understanding. There is no obligation, contractual or otherwise, for the volunteer to attend meetings or to undertake particular tasks or for FoGMVH to provide continuing opportunities for voluntary involvement, provision of training or benefits.
Volunteers are involved across the organisation in roles which complement the work of the trustees. All new volunteers will be made aware of, and have access to relevant policies, including those relating to Volunteering, Health & Safety, Safeguarding and Diversity & Equal Opportunities.
Volunteers will be provided with the appropriate information, instruction and training to make sure they can carry out their activities safely. Where applicable, information on hazards that volunteers may be exposed to will be provided. We will endeavour to provide adequate and appropriate facilities, equipment and resources to enable volunteers to fulfil their roles.
The trustees acknowledge a duty to look after the welfare of volunteers and to ensure that they are properly instructed and are managed in a safe and effective manner. Volunteers are fully protected by the organisation's public liability and personal accident insurance. However, drivers using their cars in connection with their voluntary work must inform their own insurance company to ensure adequate and continued cover.
Reimbursement of Expenses
Volunteers will have any monies paid on behalf of FoGMVH reimbursed when a receipt is provided to support the expenditure. There is an expectation that expenditure will be previously agreed by the trustees where possible.
FoGMVH aims to treat all volunteers fairly, objectively and consistently. We seek to ensure that volunteers' views are heard, noted and acted upon promptly. We take complaints about or by volunteers very seriously and we aim to identify and solve problems at the earliest possible stage. Complaints either by or about volunteers should be raised with the trustees who will try to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties. Where a criminal offence is suspected, the matter will be handed over to the police.
This policy will be reviewed annually.
Issue: 1
Last reviewed: Dec 2024