Health & Safety Policy
1: General Statement of Policy
This document is the Health and Safety Policy of Goadby Marwood Village Hall.
Our policy is to:
Provide healthy and safe working conditions, equipment and systems of work for our volunteers, committee members and hirers
Keep the village hall and equipment in a safe condition for all users
Provide such training and information as is necessary to staff, volunteers and users.
It is the intention of Goadby Marwood Village Hall Trustees to comply with all health and safety legislation and to act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.
Goadby Marwood Village Hall Trustees consider the promotion of the health and safety of its volunteers at work and those who use its premises, including contractors who may work there, to be of great importance. The Trustees recognise that the effective prevention of accidents depends as much on a committed attitude of mind to safety as on the operation and maintenance of equipment and safe systems of work. To this end, it will seek to encourage volunteers, Trustees, Committee members and users to engage in the establishment and observance of safe working practices.
Volunteers, hirers and visitors will be expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the Trustees, with all safety requirements set out in the hiring agreement and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or others.
D Kitson, Chair FoGMVH, February 2024
2: Organisation of Health and Safety
Goadby Marwood Village Hall Trustees have overall responsibility for health and safety at Goadby Marwood Village Hall.
The person delegated by the Trustees to have day to day responsibility for the implementation of this policy is:
Denise KItson
Telephone number: 01664 464373
Address: Field Cottage, Goadby Marwood, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire
It is the duty of all volunteers, hirers and visitors to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to cooperate with the Trustees and management committee in keeping the premises safe and healthy, including the grounds.
Should anyone using the hall come across a fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and cannot be rectified immediately they should inform the person above, or the Bookings Secretary, as soon as possible so that the problem can be dealt with. Where equipment is damaged a notice should be placed on it warning that it is not to be used and it should be placed in the storeroom.
The following persons have responsibility for specific items and actions:
First Aid Box: Gerry Downes
Reporting of accidents: any person using the Village Hall is responsible for recording accidents in the accident log book and reporting any serious accidents to the booking secretary or chair
Fire precautions and checks: Denise Kitson / David Mackintosh
Training in use of hazardous substances and equipment: Denise Kitson / David Mackintosh
Risk assessments and inspections: Denise Kitson / David Mackintosh
Information to contractors: Nigel Allen
Information to hirers: Gerry Downes
Insurance: David Mackintosh
A plan is displayed in the village hall showing the location of electricity cables, fire exits, fire extinguishers, fuse box, stop cock, boiler, water heaters and steps.
3: Arrangements and Procedures
3.1 Licence
Melton Borough District Council licenses the Goadby Marwood Village Hall for the following activities: Public Entertainment, Performance of Plays and Premises License. A copy of the license is displayed on the wall in the Village Hall. The licence terms are valid until 11:00pm each evening. Users should be mindful of village residents living in close proximity to the Village Hall at all times but particularly late in the evening and when leaving the venue
3.2 Procedure in case of accidents
The First Aid box and Accident book are stored in the kitchen.
The person responsible for keeping this up to date is Gerry Downes
The accident book/forms must be completed whenever an accident occurs.
Any Serious accident, especially RIDDOR reportable (see list below) must be reported to the Chair of the Trustees.
Completion of RIDDOR forms and reporting accidents is role of the Chair / Secretary.
The location of the nearest hospitals with an Accident and Emergency / Casualty department:
Nottingham Queen’s Medical centre
Lister Road
Nottingham, NG7 2FT
Telephone: 0115 9194 477
Leicester Royal Hospital
Infirmary Square, Leicester, LE1 5WW
Telephone: 0300 303 1573
The location of the nearest doctor's surgery is:
The Stackyard Surgery
1 The Stackyard
Croxton Kerrial
Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 1QS
Telephone: 01476 870900
The person(s) responsible for completing RIDDOR forms and reporting accidents is:
Denise Kitson / Gerry Downes
The following major injuries or incidents must be reported on RIDDOR forms:
fracture, other than to fingers, thumbs or toes
dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine
loss of sight (temporary or permanent)
any penetrating injury to the eye (including chemical)
injury from electric shock/burn leading to unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours;
any other injury leading to hypothermia, heat – induced illness or unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation or requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
unconsciousness caused by asphyxia or exposure to harmful substance or biological agent
acute illness requiring medical treatment or loss of consciousness arising from absorption of any substance by inhalation, ingestion or through skin
acute illness requiring medical attention which may have resulted from a biological agent or its toxins or infected material.
Relevant examples of reportable dangerous occurrences include:
electrical short circuit or overload causing fire or explosion
collapse or partial collapse of a scaffold over 5m high
unintended collapse of a building under construction or alteration, or of a wall or floor
explosion or fire
3.3 Safety Rules (General & Fire)
All hirers will be expected to read the whole of the hiring agreement and should sign the hiring form as evidence that they agree to the hiring conditions. All new hirers will also be given information / training by the Booking Secretary about safety procedures at the hall which they will be expected to follow (e.g. fire evacuation procedures, use of trolleys to move equipment where applicable, use of equipment) and will be shown the location of the accident book and health and safety file.
It is the intention of Goadby Marwood Village Hall Trustees and Management Committee to comply with all health and safety legislation and to act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.
Volunteers, hirers and visitors will be expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the Trustees, with all safety requirements set out in the hiring agreement and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or others.
The Trustees have carried out risk assessments. The following practices must be followed in order to minimise risks:
Make sure both Emergency Doors (main door and disabled access door) are unlocked and clear of obstructions internally and externally as soon as the hall is to be used and throughout the hiring.
Ensure no vehicles, mobile homes or caravans are parked within 2 metres of the ramp, main door or any other exits (fire exits) to allow safe access to and from the building.
In case of fire or any other event likely to cause multiple casualties or panic, leave the hall by either of the 2 exits. The exit from the side door is suitable for wheelchair exit. Assemble at the fire assembly point located at the Hand Gate in the car parking area. See also the Fire Notice and Floor Plan.
Do not operate or touch any electrical equipment where there are signs of damage, exposure of components or water penetration etc.
Do not attempt to change light bulbs or tubes or modify or repair any electrical appliance or fitting. See below
Do not cover or place any item in front of, on or above the heaters or the open fire.
Do not bring onto the property any portable electrical appliances that have not been Portable Appliance Tested. All appliances must display a current ‘Passed Test' sticker. (Electricity at Work Act 1989).
Do not leave portable electrical appliances operating unattended.
Portable gas heaters are not allowed anywhere in the hall.
Do not work on ladders at height until properly secured and another person is present.
Do not attempt to move heavy or bulky items.
Do not stack chairs more than 10 high, properly using the pallets provided to reduce risk of stack collapse
Do not attempt to carry or tip a water boiler or urn when it contains hot water, leave it to cool.
Be aware of hot water dispensers in the toilets.
Be aware of steps to the front door and steps outside the kitchen door, which could be slippery if wet
Do not allow children in the kitchen except under close supervision (e.g. for supervised cookery lessons or, in the case of older children, for supervised serving of food at functions). Avoid over-crowding in the kitchen and do not allow running.
Wear suitable protective clothing when handling cleaning or other toxic materials.
Report any evidence of damage or faults to equipment or the building's facilities to the Bookings Secretary and record it in the Maintenance book (in kitchen). If the Bookings Secretary is not available please report it to any available member of the Management Committee.
Report every accident in the Accident Book (stored in the kitchen) Report serious accidents, (those requiring a medical practitioner at the time of or within the 2 days following the accident), to the Booking Secretary / Chair.
All hirers must ensure that the main hall capacities are not exceeded. Maximum number of persons allowed in the main hall are: a) Standing 75 b) Seated 55.
Other than the open fire, which must always be protected using the fire guard provided, pyrotechnics or any other naked flame (with the exception of tea lights) are not allowed on any part of the property or playing field. Tea lights must be contained in a semi- enclosed container designed for that purpose.
Tables or chairs must not be taken outside unless by prior written agreement at the time of booking.
The hire agreement must be signed and returned to acknowledge acceptance of the Goadby Marwood Village Hall Health and Safety policy.
Be aware and seek to avoid the following risks:
creating slipping hazards on polished or wet floors – mop spills immediately
creating tripping hazards such as buggies, umbrellas, mops and other items left in halls and corridors
use adequate lighting to avoid tripping in poorly lit areas
risk to individuals while in sole occupancy of the building
risks involved in handling kitchen equipment e.g. cooker, water heater and knives
creating toppling hazards by piling equipment e.g. in store cupboards.
risks involving steep and possibly slippery steps entering and leaving the building. Step down into kitchen
The nominated Trustee will check with contractors (including self-employed persons) before they start work that:
the contract is clear and understood by both the contractors and the management committee
the contractors are competent to carry out the work e.g. have appropriate qualifications, references, experience
contractors have adequate public liability insurance cover
contractors have seen the health and safety file and are aware of any hazards which might arise (e.g. electricity cables or gas pipes)
contractors do not work alone on ladders at height (if necessary a volunteer should be present)
contractors have their own health and safety policy for their staff
the contractor knows which member of the committee is responsible for overseeing that their work is as asked and to a satisfactory standard
any alterations or additions to the electrical installations or equipment must conform to the current regulations of the Institute of Electrical Engineers.
3.4 Fire Precautions and Checks
Regular Fire Risk assessments are completed and are held in the policy folder
The floor plan displayed in the Village Hall shows fire exits and fire fighting equipment (only to be used by trained fire fighters).
See Fire Safety Policy for evacuation procedure and assembly points. These are also displayed on the wall in the main hall room.
Person(s) on the management committee with responsibility for testing for the fire risk assessment:
Denise Kitson / Gerry Downes
Local Fire Brigade contact:
Melton Mowbray Fire and Rescue Service
Emergency telephone: 999
General telephone: 01664 857771
Company hired to maintain and service fire safety equipment:
FireStoppers Ltd
Address: 29 Bridgford Road, Nottingham
Location of service log: in the village hall kitchen
Checks & Audits
The Trustees and Management Committee will carry out all necessary Risk Assessments and Safety checks.
Emergency Lighting: Monthly
Fire exits: Monthly
Fire fighting appliances: Annually (December / January)
Electrical installation (EICR): 5 yearly
PAT: Annually
3.5 Insurance
Employer’s Liability and Public Liability insurance cover:
Name of insurer: Ecclesiastical Insurance Office PLC
Address: Benefact House, 2000 Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4AW
Policy Number: 04/XPG/0341448
Date of renewal: 12th March 2024
Excluded or special conditions users should be aware of: infectious or communicable diseases; closure due to vermin, cyber act or incident.
This policy will be reviewed annually.
Issue: 1
Last reviewed: February 2024